• Drugs, Alcohol & Sexual Health

    This is a bespoke in-house face to face training course on Drugs, Alcohol and Sexual Health.

    Please note each of these topics can be presented as a stand-alone course which obviously allows for deeper analysis of the themes or as Sexual Health & Relationships on its own and Drugs & Alcohol together or all three together as below.

    Sexual health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality.

    This course looks as issues regarding the sexual health of young people. It includes information about healthy relationships including same-sex relationships and discussions regarding the risk of CSE. It examines STI’s, contraception, sexual consent and the law. It investigates research into sexual health and pregnancy of looked after children and what research tells us about best practice. It considers evidence from looked after children and where they want to access sexual health information. It includes information about where to access support.

    Learners will explore the different types of drugs and legal highs and the prevalence of their use in the general population. The course will explain the laws for different drugs. Consideration is then given to looked after children and research regarding their drug use. Learners will look at how to recognise whether a young person may be using drugs looking at different types of changes in behaviour and health. It includes information about where to access support.

    Alcohol is the most socially acceptable drug and is widely used in the UK. The course will look at the current UK guidelines using a practical activity. It includes a discussion about the social learning theory and modelling regarding alcohol use. It explores the short and long term risks of alcohol use. It incorporates information about what to do with an intoxicated young person and where to access support.

    The course:

    The training session is bespoke and therefore designed to meet your needs. The session takes into account the different learning styles of participants and has aspects that are auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. The course can contain a combination of slides, videos, interactive exercises and case studies. Learners are encouraged to make use of the training pack to help with their learning.

    The following learning objectives are examples which can be amended to meet requirements.

    By the end of the course Learners should be able to:

    • Know different types of Sexual health in young people
    • Identify the signs and symptoms of an STI
    • Explain ways in which young people may need support in relation to their sexual health.
    • Describe the law in relation to sexual consent, different drugs and alcohol.
    • Identify different types of drugs
    • Assess how the young people can best be supported and identify strategies to achieve this

    Know where to access support in relation to sexual health, drugs and alcohol

    Cancellation Terms and Conditions

    Courses cancelled more than 30 days before the course date will incur no costs if cancelled.
    Courses cancelled 15-29 days before the course date will incur a 50% charge.
    Courses cancelled 14 days or less before the course date will charged the full course fee.